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Klearia Recognized in France Digitale's 2023 Mapping of Impactful Startups

We are thrilled to announce that Klearia has been featured in the prestigious 2023 Mapping of Impactful Startups conducted by France Digitale, in collaboration with the Hub Bpifrance and the Movement Impact France. This marks the 4th edition of the mapping, showcasing 1,142 startups making a significantly positive impact on both the planet and society through their innovative activities.

Despite challenging economic conditions, impactful startups like Klearia are not only surviving but thriving, showcasing the resilience and maturity of their business models. With nearly 10 billion euros raised since inception and providing employment to 32,000 individuals across France, these startups are positioning France as a leader in innovative and sustainable solutions within Europe.

Maya Noël, the General Director of France Digitale, emphasized the importance of these startups and urged for their expansion on a European scale. She stated, "If we want these startups to amplify their positive impact, we must enable them to deploy at a European level. A harmonized single market and proactive public and private procurement policies for our startups are essential reforms to make Europe a leader in sustainable innovation."

Paul-François Fournier, Executive Director for Innovation at Bpifrance, highlighted the growth of the French Innovation ecosystem and expressed optimism. "The Mapping of Impactful Startups reflects the current challenges, showing us that solutions are multiplying and growing, giving us reasons to be optimistic."

Caroline Neyron, the General Director of the Movement Impact France, emphasized the increased stringency in impact criteria for selection in this edition of the mapping. "Despite stricter criteria, the number of impactful startups has continued to rise this year. 18% of the startups in this mapping are Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) companies, demonstrating the ability of ESS commercial entities to innovate and scale, becoming the future impact unicorns."

The mapping, which can be accessed here, serves as a testament to the thriving ecosystem of impactful startups in France, contributing significantly to global challenges in environmental and societal domains.

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